After a well-deserved break, it's time to head back to school. This year is a special one: distance teaching, fears of learning gaps, and uncertainty around exams, safety measures or what the year will even look like... Teachers, students and parents need all the help they can get.

It has always been our goal at InnerDrive to make a difference and support schools and families through research. So, to do our part, we've put together free packs of our most useful resources. These will give you all the tools needed for a good start to the year. Click the links below to download the packs you're interested in:

  • Back To School - Teachers
    In this pack, you will find 5 posters and 5 articles, covering subjects such as supporting students during the transition period, creating a positive classroom environment, encouraging long-lasting habits or ensuring you're the best teacher you can be.
  • Back To School - Students
    This pack contains 10 posters that will help students develop good habits, learn more effectively and change their outlook on change and failure. We also added our printable goal-setting worksheets, to help them track their progress towards what matters.
  • Back To School - Parents
    Parents are often lost when it comes to supporting their child's academic success. The 5 posters and 5 articles in this pack will help them realise how they can positively influence their child's well-being and learning.

We hope you find those packs useful. If you do, please spread the word!

To get access to even more free resources, sign up on the form below.

For more free resources, check out these links: